Here in Chichester and across the country, something extraordinary took place last Thursday.

The Labour Party, although written off by many who criticised Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership, took the fight to the Conservatives and delivered a result that no one expected, shaking them out of their arrogant complacency. The Labour Party took seats off the Conservatives up and down the country, leaving Theresa May looking ‘weak and wobbly’, rather than ‘strong and stable’, as she clings on to power as the leader of a minority government in league with the DUP.

In Chichester, our vote almost doubled and we are now clearly the official opposition to the Conservatives. We would like to thank the 13,411 people who put their trust in Labour and voted for us. This is our best result in Chichester since 1966.

We are proud of our manifesto, the campaign we fought and the excellent work put in by our candidate, Mark Farwell. We take great heart from the result we achieved.

Our guiding principal of ‘for the many, not the few’ will remain at the forefront of our campaigning here in Chichester as we continue to seek to create a kinder and more equal society.

We look forward to our Conservative MP delivering on providing the funding our schools and NHS need, and standing up for those constituents on zero hour contracts, the homeless, those struggling to pay the rent and those dependent on foodbanks. We will be watching her progress at every step and, if she fails to deliver for Chichester, you can be sure the Labour Party will speak up for all constituents and hold her to account.

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