Chichester Labour Party A fresh voice for a fairer, greener Chichester
At last week’s West Sussex County Council meeting, Labour tried to change the council’s policy so no exorbitant severance payment over £100,000 could be made to senior officers in the future without a vote by councillors at a full council meeting – sadly this was voted down by the Tory majority.
Recently residents have been appalled by the vast sums paid out to the revolving door of senior executive officers at the County Council with little to no accountability by the Tories, past and present.
Labour Group Leader, Cllr Michael Jones said, “It is a pity that such generosity never extends to maintaining many of our front line services, like highways and libraries which are cut with little hesitation.”
Last week saw the County Council adopt it’s latest budget which saw Council Tax rise and yet further cuts to frontline services, some of which could have been saved if such pay outs were limited in future.
Cllr Michael Jones concluded by saying, “I certainly don’t intend to let this drop until the policy has been changed, there really needs to be no hesitation in bringing this in.”